About Me

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I am married with two wonderful sons who are 18 and 11 years old and my 2 year old Baby Girl. I currently live in Reston, VA and have been working for Verizon for 18 years. I am a Licensed Zumba, ZumbKids, Zumba Gold and AquaZumba instructor. I am a Certified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor, a Certified AAI Aqua Fitness Instructor, an RRCA Certified Running Coach and a Certified Keiser Cycle Instructor. I love to exercise, run, do yoga and Pilates and most of all enjoy time with my family.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Running Shoe Replacement & Piriformis Syndrome

I recently had to go see a doctor due to a nagging pain on my right side from my lower back, through my glute, down my leg and into my knee. This has been going on for quite a while and even though I knew I should have had it checked out sooner I didn't. Well, now I am paying for it!! Lesson learned! Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today. I wouldn't be in the pain I am in right now if I didn't wait to get this checked out. Most of the time if pain continues in the same place for an extended period of time, IT IS AN INJURY!!! So, I am now getting physical therapy and chiropractic care which I am very happy about. The thing I am not happy about is I cannot run for 2 weeks right now and that is really cutting into my Marathon training. Yes, it is painful but hopefully once it is done I won't be in constant pain....So Piriformis Syndrome is what I have as well as an uneven pelvis, UGH!! Piriformis Syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve and causes pain in the rear and may cause pain along the back of the leg and into the foot (similar to sciatic pain). Piriformis syndrome is most common among women, and is thought to be common among active individuals (such as runners and walkers).
Piriformis syndrome can develop when the piriformis muscle becomes tight or spasms and places pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs beneath it. The pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause low back pain and/or pain that radiates to the rear and down the leg (similar to sciatica pain). From a technical standpoint, piriformis syndrome does not cause true sciatica (as sciatica is usually defined as a radiculopathy, or compression of a nerve root as it exits the spine). However, just like sciatica, piriformis syndrome can cause pain, numbness and tingling along the sciatic nerve, which runs down the back of the leg and into the foot. (http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/sciatica/what-piriformis-syndrome). So my doctor is doing all kinds of fun manipulations of my legs and back to hopefully clear this issue up as well as to re-align my pelvis.

Another good thing about getting checked out was the doctor I went to see is also a runner so he KNOWS what is up with running injuries and the like. Many times you go to your doctor with a specific injury but they have no clue except their medical training. It is nice to find a doctor that knows first hand what's going on with you.

So, one of the first things the doctor did was had me run. I ran back and forth so he could check my gait and see if the way I ran was causing my issue. He said my gait was good and I run pretty neutral with no pronation which is definitely a positive because I can use basically any running shoe out there!! I could even go minimalist if I wanted which makes me even more happy!! That brings me to my other point in today's musings...Running shoe replacement. I have heard many different takes on when to replace your running shoe, should it be by mileage, length of time or by how hard you are on your shoes. Take a look at your sneaks if you are wearing them, if not check them out later. I found a poll on the Runners World website (http://www.runnersworld.com/community/forums/runner-communities/beginners/replace-running-shoes) about how often to replace running shoes. It is funny to see quite a lot of different answers. Basically my doctor told me that I should replace them every 3 months no matter what my mileage is...

And now to actually replacing my Karhu's, I am in the process, it is just deciding which ones to get this time...I did see a wonderful looking pair that are a neutral shoe that I really want to try called the Signature Racer (http://www.karhu.com/products/signature-racer-surf-blue-fade.html) but the issue I have is they only come in ONE color, light blue!! LOL!! I am not that picky when it comes to running shoes but Karhu always has the coolest, brightest colors and I thought it would be great if they had more choice with this one! Needless to say my Stable Fulcrum_Rides were a great pair of running shoes and I am definitely a Karhu lover and promoter!! I can't wait to try out my next pair...until then, HAPPY RUNNING!!

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Getting Faster - Cadence Drill

This is from one of my favorite runners Jeff Galloway! I was able to run with him and thousands of other people in the Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon this year!!

Cadence or Turnover Drill   This is an easy drill that improves the efficiency of running, making running easier. This drill helps to pull all the elements of good running form together at the same time. Over the weeks and months, if you do this drill once every week, you will find that your normal cadence slowly increases, naturally.
* Warm up by walking for 5 minutes, and running and walking very gently for 10 minutes.
* Start jogging slowly for 1-2 minutes, and then time yourself for 30 seconds. During this half-minute, count the number of times your left foot touches.
* Walk around for a minute or so.
* On the second 30 second drill, increase the count by 1 or 2
* Repeat this 3-7 more times. Each time trying to increase by 1-2 additional counts.
* If you reach a count that you can't exceed-just try to maintain.
* In the process of improving turnover, the body's internal monitoring system coordinates a series of adaptations which makes the feet, legs, nervous system and timing mechanism work together as an efficient team:

-Your foot touches more gently--light touch
-Extra, inefficient motions of the foot and leg are reduced or eliminated
-Less effort is spent on pushing up or moving forward
-You stay lower to the ground
-The ankle becomes more efficient
-Ache and pain areas are not overused

Taken from Galloway Training Programs by Jeff Gallowa

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Yoga Pose for Your Body, Mind and Spirit - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip

A Yoga Pose for Your Body, Mind and Spirit - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip
Sorry about the lax in blogging, it has been quite busy since the kids got out of school:

On Saturday June 2nd I ran/walked my second 1/2 marathon, the Virginia Wine Country 1/2 Marrathon. The day started out a bit chillier than expected but it was perfect weather for a long run. I ran the 1/2 with my friend and mentor Caroline. She was dealing with minor Tendonosis in her ankle and I was fighting a bad cold, we were quite a pair!! We started off running 2 minutes and walking 1 minute which in the beginning I was struggling because I was having a hard time catching my breath. Sucking on cough drops doesn't really help you run any faster or more efficiently! Needless to say the further I went the better I felt. I still was coughing and with the majority of the race net-uphill I was having issues catching my breath but I was feeling good. The scenery was absolutely beautiful and the small cup of wine at the half-way point helped put a bigger spring in our steps!!

Then at around mile 7 I felt the weirdest twinge in my lower leg around my lower calf and achilles. It felt like a tug then went away. It was enough of a feeling though that I did make a noise and Caroline was concerned. The thing was it only hurt when I was running and not when I was walking so we continued on walking more that running for another mile or so. Caroline asked if I wanted to try running again and I said yes so we kicked up our step and dang-it, the twinge came back! At that point Caroline pulled me off the road and had me lean on a tree while she massaged my lower leg, man did we look like two fools!! It did help a bit with the pain but I really couldn't run any further so we ended up walking the rest of the race. Let me tell you, I really didn't want to walk but I really couldn't run and it wasn't because I was looking for a specific time to finish, I was so bored just walking!!! I felt so good to run but I didn't want to injure myself any further so we walked the rest of the race and danced across the finish line!!

It was a great day for a race but if that was my first 1/2 marathon I definitely would have been reconsidering running the full marathon that I am scheduled for in September!! I shouldn't think that way because every race is different. There were many factors that made that a very hard race but all in all it was a great day and the wine tasting and massage after the race made it even better!!

I am getting very close to having to change my Karhu's, I am not totally sure what the exact mileage is on these kicks but it is getting close to 500!!! I have one more race and I think my girls will be retired and I will be purchasing myself a new pair!! Whooo hooo! I truly love Karhu running shoes!!

    Use code: reviewermelissa

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu