About Me

My photo
I am married with two wonderful sons who are 18 and 11 years old and my 2 year old Baby Girl. I currently live in Reston, VA and have been working for Verizon for 18 years. I am a Licensed Zumba, ZumbKids, Zumba Gold and AquaZumba instructor. I am a Certified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor, a Certified AAI Aqua Fitness Instructor, an RRCA Certified Running Coach and a Certified Keiser Cycle Instructor. I love to exercise, run, do yoga and Pilates and most of all enjoy time with my family.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

How much do you pay for running shoes?

So, I love to read the articles about the new running shoes for the different seasons of the year. Running Magazines such as Running Times and Runners World put out multiple articles a year reviewing the running shoes of a particular season.

I love seeing the new shoes and reading about how the testers liked or disliked each one but my biggest gripe is the price of some of these shoes!! Do we really need to pay almost $200 for a running shoe with minimalist features? Why, if we aren't concerned about stability or cushioning couldn't we just grab a cheapo pair of kicks from Target or Payless?  I am sure there are people out there that have run different races in shoes other than Nike, New Balance, Asics or Mizuno. I am just not sure how they felt afterward or how the shoes held up.

I am currently running (when I do even though I shouldn't right now, periformis injury & all) in a pair of Nike Free's that are almost 2 years old. Not sure the amount of mileage that I have put on them because they were set aside for a few months while I reviewed a great pair of Karhu's. I do have to say, I loved those Karhu's but the amount of mileage I put on them ended up making them hurt my feet & legs in the end. I should just get me a pair of the new Karhu Forward3's but I love checking out new shoes & brands.

We will see, I think I need to get bugging on these companies to see if they will send me a pair to try for a period of time....

Needless to say does is matter if you pay a lot for a pair of running sneakers or what? Opinions in the comment box below please!!

Resistance Training for the Ultra-endurance Athlete

Resistance Training for the Ultra-endurance Athlete

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Back Pain Bummer!

Here is a great article on how to alleviate Back pain! What to do when back pain throws a wrench in your workout.

I have been dealing with pain that is basically on my right side, goes down through my glute and into my hamstring and sometimes radiates to the knee. I have been going to Physical Therapy for about 2 weeks now and even though the pain is still very dominant (sitting all day in a chair at work doesn't help!) I know it will get better.

Make sure you get help in the beginning of a painful episode, maybe it won't turn into a full blown injury!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Eating Healthy is the way to go...

So, I decided that the time is NOW to finally lose the weight and really get my body in the shape that it is supposed to be, hourglass!! It is a definite work in progress and eating right is a MAJOR factor.

The past 5 days I have been mostly following the Zumba 5-day Diet plan. Basically for 5 days you eat specific things like an egg and high fiber toast or high fiber cereal and fruit for breakfast and different lunches and dinners. So, I pretty much stayed on track with my food choices except for Thursday's dinner, I ate some rice noodles with my Bangkok Curry with Shrimp from Noodles & Company and Friday night the family wanted Chicken Wings from Buffalo Wing Factory so I indulged! Well, I didn't totally indulge, I only ate 1 order of wings which I usually eat 2.

Well, can I tell you how much my stomach hurt after eating those wings! The curry didn't bother me at all but eating a deep fried piece of Chicken with Peppery Parmesan sauce on it did a number on me!! I had to break out the Alka Seltzer or I wasn't going to be able to sleep at all last night! HA!! I have to tell you, I haven't had to take the Alka Seltzer in almost a week due to eating much healthier foods and I was really disappointed in myself for indulging myself that way. There are many other healthier items that they offer such as salad (minus the cheese) or even a burger with all the toppings (meaning lettuce, tomato, onion). Once in a while will I have a wing from now on and most likely I think I will only grab one or two from either my hubby's or my kid's plates! LOL!!

Needless to say from my weigh-in on Monday morning to my weigh-in this AM I have lost 2 pounds. Nothing near what the Zumba 5-day diet says you can lose (up to 9 pounds which could mostly be water weight). I guess I don't have as much water retention as I thought I did! LOL!!

But, I have been exercising every day except for Monday which I took the day off because Physical Therapy really did me in. Needless to say I was eating no more than 1200 calories per day for the past 5 days and exercising my butt off. My lowest calorie burn was around 350 calories which when eating less than 1200 calories per day makes me wonder why I only lost 2 pounds.

So I present myself with three questions:
  1. Am I eating too few calories that is causing my body to hold on to whatever is left after calorie burn for dear life?
  2. Am I still eating the WRONG kinds of foods that inhibit my body from shedding the excess weight?
  3. Is there something wrong with me hormonally or otherwise that is inhibiting my body from shedding excess weight?
Now, this week I am going to investigate the hollows of the internet to find out what could be stopping me from losing the weight I want to and hopefully shedding some light to help a few of my friends who have those last 10 to 20 pounds they just can't get rid of!

I will keep you updated....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's been a good week so far....

This week has been pretty good so far...It is HUMP day so I thought it would be a nice update day!

Sunday was an intense workout day, well, my workouts weren't as intense as they could be due to being sick but I did do a 2.6 mile walk and then an hour of Zumba so I would say that was intense enough! HA!

I started the Zumba 5-Day Jump-Start Diet on Monday to see if I could get my body moving into the weight-loss mode. One thing that makes me so mad is that I work my buns off and get no results. I know we go through plateaus but man, they are really a pain in the butt!! So, I decided I am going to try this and see what happens. Surprisingly, I am eating no more than 1200 calories per day and not feeling logy or out of sorts. I guess it is because I am eating the right things! HA!

So, you start off with either an egg and a piece of high fiber toast or a high fiber cereal and a fruit of some sort. You can eat one or the other and swap off each day. Then lunch and dinner are specific per day and I have been utilizing these dinners to make for the whole family. There is no separate meal plans in my house!! It is the easiest way to eat right when everyone else is doing it with you. And besides, there is nothing wrong with making your children eat protein and veggies at dinner!!

I took the day off from exercise on Monday due to the fact that I started Physical Therapy for my aching back, right leg including glute and hamstring and periodically my knee. I was quite sore afterward but it is all going to be worth it when I can exercise, especially run and walk without pain! The PT gave me some exercises to do at home and a standing one to do at work. Have I mentioned I work at a desk ALL...DAY...LONG!!! UGH! Sometimes I really wish I was still on the line gang. At least there I got my daily exercise. Oh, well, LIVE AND LEARN!!

Yesterday I took the ever wonderful Tabata class at Reston Sport & Health. Man, every time I take that class I think, "What the HECK am I doing HERE!" but afterwards when I am still feeling the burn I am happy because I know I am doing great things for my body as a whole, meaning brain, bones, muscles and heart!!

Tonight is Muscle Up but it depends on the Little Miss. If she is napping I will just do one of my millions of exercise DVDs down in the basement.

Here's an idea that I have been having for a while. I think I am going to start doing this. I have many, many, many exercise DVDs that I haven't even worked-out with yet. I am going to start doing them along with my regular workouts but I am also going to review them as I go along. I am sure it will definitely help me to get myself into a better shape than ROUND!! HA!!

What do you thing about that for evolving?!?!

Have a great day!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

What constitutes Evolving?????

So, yet again I fell off the wagon and allowed myself to get WWWWAAAAAYYYY overweight and out of shape. Do I blame it on my running injury? I could but that wouldn't be entirely true. I was allowed to do other exercise except for walking or running and once Aqua Zumba was finished I basically quit! Not a very good thing to do. Even when I was allowed to walk 20 minutes every other day I did it without much umpfff!

Well, that concept is now changed. I am back on track and have been moving pretty much all week. Last Saturday I did the Anthem Great Pumpkin 5k which was my first ever race so I plan to do it every year while I can! My neighbor Shannon and I did a Walk/Run pacing 2 minute walk/1 minute run. I have to say I was very pleased with our time. I wanted to finish around 45 minutes and we did just that! I was a great day for a race and we had a great time participating in it!

On Monday I didn't do too much working out due to not feeling very well and having a sick little girl but I did some stretching and lots of walking up and down the stairs to keep her happy!

Tuesday I took a tabata class at Reston Sport & Health. HOLY COW!! Can I tell you, that class will KICK YOUR ARSE!! It was a lot of fun, very hard but well worth it!!

Wednesday I popped in the P90X Kenpo DVD. Definitely interesting and one heck of a workout. I was sweating like a pig 1/2 way through. I hadn't done that one before so I was in for quite and experience. It is another interval type exercise program but with a martial arts background. I was punching and kicking my way to intense cardio activity!! I really did like it even though I felt totally lost trying to perform some moves, not that the moves were hard because they are all pretty basic, just getting my body to do the move was the idiotic part! Hello, you know how to jump and you know how to lunge, why can't you do it together? AHAHAHAHA!! The DVD was only 35 minutes so I wanted to get a little more exercise in so I popped in a GAIAM Balance Ball workout. Basically using the ball and your body weight to exercise. Hello People! You DO NOT NEED hand weights, your body weight is enough to really give you a good workout. Try putting the balance ball under your knees and doing pushups!! Gravity helps to give you the extra push to many that exercise just a bit harder!! I ended up doing about an hour of exercise so I was pretty happy!!

Last night I decided to go OLD SCHOOL and pop in the DVD from when I first became a Zumba instructor. I went over the basic moves to SALSA, MERENGUE, CUMBIA and REGGAETON. It is very interesting how after so long of doing something with lots of flair and flavor trying to do the basic moves is harder than you think! HA!! I went over the basic moves for about 30 minutes and then did the 20 minute quick fix workout which expanded on those four rhythms. To finish off the workout I practiced my song that I am doing at tonight's Zumba class over and over to make sure I have the moves down with the cuing so no one is lost!!

I am happy to be back exercising but I really need to push myself more to run. I start physical therapy again tonight for my back/leg issue, so hopefully this will help and I will be able to run pain-free!! Fingers crossed!

Oh, by the way I am a Zumba Affiliate so if you want to grab some great Zumbawear at Zumba.com use the code: MEESHW to get 10% off your order!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Less Pain, More Gain

So, I am sad to say I am not going to be running the Wineglass Marathon this year. I have allowed the pain in my glute and upper leg to knee turn into an injury. I am currently going through physical therapy and it is starting to feel better except I am not able to run or walk any distances. But, if I would have gotten this taken care of a long time about (it started bothering me about a year ago) I wouldn't be going through this now. So, please, if you feel a twinge or a pain that is lingering, go see your doctor. Get to it before it gets to you!!
The following article was taken from Jeff Galloway's email newsletter which can be subscribed at JeffGallowayBlog.com:
Less Pain, More Gain 
By Dr. Robert Portman

"No pain, no gain." Every endurance athlete is familiar with this expression. But is it true? It depends on how you define pain. A more accurate slogan would be this: "No stress, no gain."

Research has demonstrated that the strain of intense muscle work triggers adaptive responses that make muscle fibers stronger and more durable. A certain amount of damage is required to stimulate fitness-increasing changes in muscle cells. But don't assume that, if a little is good, more is better. If too much stress is applied to muscle tissue, or if the muscles are not given the time and nutritional resources they need to recover between workouts, damage will accumulate and the athlete will end up overtrained or injured.

The solution is to control the degree of muscle damage. This can be done through an appropriate nutritional intervention, as shown by researchers at James Madison University. Trained cyclists performed hard rides on two occasions, receiving nutrition to control muscle damage after only one of those rides. Twenty-four after each session, the cyclists performed leg extensions to measure functional muscle recovery. They were able to complete 14% more leg extensions when receiving nutrition to control muscle damage after their ride. 

So, go ahead and stress those muscles, but control the damage with appropriate recovery nutrition.

Dr. Portman, a well-known sports science researcher, is co-author of Nutrient Timing and Hardwired for Fitness.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Running Shoe Replacement & Piriformis Syndrome

I recently had to go see a doctor due to a nagging pain on my right side from my lower back, through my glute, down my leg and into my knee. This has been going on for quite a while and even though I knew I should have had it checked out sooner I didn't. Well, now I am paying for it!! Lesson learned! Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today. I wouldn't be in the pain I am in right now if I didn't wait to get this checked out. Most of the time if pain continues in the same place for an extended period of time, IT IS AN INJURY!!! So, I am now getting physical therapy and chiropractic care which I am very happy about. The thing I am not happy about is I cannot run for 2 weeks right now and that is really cutting into my Marathon training. Yes, it is painful but hopefully once it is done I won't be in constant pain....So Piriformis Syndrome is what I have as well as an uneven pelvis, UGH!! Piriformis Syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve and causes pain in the rear and may cause pain along the back of the leg and into the foot (similar to sciatic pain). Piriformis syndrome is most common among women, and is thought to be common among active individuals (such as runners and walkers).
Piriformis syndrome can develop when the piriformis muscle becomes tight or spasms and places pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs beneath it. The pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause low back pain and/or pain that radiates to the rear and down the leg (similar to sciatica pain). From a technical standpoint, piriformis syndrome does not cause true sciatica (as sciatica is usually defined as a radiculopathy, or compression of a nerve root as it exits the spine). However, just like sciatica, piriformis syndrome can cause pain, numbness and tingling along the sciatic nerve, which runs down the back of the leg and into the foot. (http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/sciatica/what-piriformis-syndrome). So my doctor is doing all kinds of fun manipulations of my legs and back to hopefully clear this issue up as well as to re-align my pelvis.

Another good thing about getting checked out was the doctor I went to see is also a runner so he KNOWS what is up with running injuries and the like. Many times you go to your doctor with a specific injury but they have no clue except their medical training. It is nice to find a doctor that knows first hand what's going on with you.

So, one of the first things the doctor did was had me run. I ran back and forth so he could check my gait and see if the way I ran was causing my issue. He said my gait was good and I run pretty neutral with no pronation which is definitely a positive because I can use basically any running shoe out there!! I could even go minimalist if I wanted which makes me even more happy!! That brings me to my other point in today's musings...Running shoe replacement. I have heard many different takes on when to replace your running shoe, should it be by mileage, length of time or by how hard you are on your shoes. Take a look at your sneaks if you are wearing them, if not check them out later. I found a poll on the Runners World website (http://www.runnersworld.com/community/forums/runner-communities/beginners/replace-running-shoes) about how often to replace running shoes. It is funny to see quite a lot of different answers. Basically my doctor told me that I should replace them every 3 months no matter what my mileage is...

And now to actually replacing my Karhu's, I am in the process, it is just deciding which ones to get this time...I did see a wonderful looking pair that are a neutral shoe that I really want to try called the Signature Racer (http://www.karhu.com/products/signature-racer-surf-blue-fade.html) but the issue I have is they only come in ONE color, light blue!! LOL!! I am not that picky when it comes to running shoes but Karhu always has the coolest, brightest colors and I thought it would be great if they had more choice with this one! Needless to say my Stable Fulcrum_Rides were a great pair of running shoes and I am definitely a Karhu lover and promoter!! I can't wait to try out my next pair...until then, HAPPY RUNNING!!

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Getting Faster - Cadence Drill

This is from one of my favorite runners Jeff Galloway! I was able to run with him and thousands of other people in the Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon this year!!

Cadence or Turnover Drill   This is an easy drill that improves the efficiency of running, making running easier. This drill helps to pull all the elements of good running form together at the same time. Over the weeks and months, if you do this drill once every week, you will find that your normal cadence slowly increases, naturally.
* Warm up by walking for 5 minutes, and running and walking very gently for 10 minutes.
* Start jogging slowly for 1-2 minutes, and then time yourself for 30 seconds. During this half-minute, count the number of times your left foot touches.
* Walk around for a minute or so.
* On the second 30 second drill, increase the count by 1 or 2
* Repeat this 3-7 more times. Each time trying to increase by 1-2 additional counts.
* If you reach a count that you can't exceed-just try to maintain.
* In the process of improving turnover, the body's internal monitoring system coordinates a series of adaptations which makes the feet, legs, nervous system and timing mechanism work together as an efficient team:

-Your foot touches more gently--light touch
-Extra, inefficient motions of the foot and leg are reduced or eliminated
-Less effort is spent on pushing up or moving forward
-You stay lower to the ground
-The ankle becomes more efficient
-Ache and pain areas are not overused

Taken from Galloway Training Programs by Jeff Gallowa

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Yoga Pose for Your Body, Mind and Spirit - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip

A Yoga Pose for Your Body, Mind and Spirit - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip
Sorry about the lax in blogging, it has been quite busy since the kids got out of school:

On Saturday June 2nd I ran/walked my second 1/2 marathon, the Virginia Wine Country 1/2 Marrathon. The day started out a bit chillier than expected but it was perfect weather for a long run. I ran the 1/2 with my friend and mentor Caroline. She was dealing with minor Tendonosis in her ankle and I was fighting a bad cold, we were quite a pair!! We started off running 2 minutes and walking 1 minute which in the beginning I was struggling because I was having a hard time catching my breath. Sucking on cough drops doesn't really help you run any faster or more efficiently! Needless to say the further I went the better I felt. I still was coughing and with the majority of the race net-uphill I was having issues catching my breath but I was feeling good. The scenery was absolutely beautiful and the small cup of wine at the half-way point helped put a bigger spring in our steps!!

Then at around mile 7 I felt the weirdest twinge in my lower leg around my lower calf and achilles. It felt like a tug then went away. It was enough of a feeling though that I did make a noise and Caroline was concerned. The thing was it only hurt when I was running and not when I was walking so we continued on walking more that running for another mile or so. Caroline asked if I wanted to try running again and I said yes so we kicked up our step and dang-it, the twinge came back! At that point Caroline pulled me off the road and had me lean on a tree while she massaged my lower leg, man did we look like two fools!! It did help a bit with the pain but I really couldn't run any further so we ended up walking the rest of the race. Let me tell you, I really didn't want to walk but I really couldn't run and it wasn't because I was looking for a specific time to finish, I was so bored just walking!!! I felt so good to run but I didn't want to injure myself any further so we walked the rest of the race and danced across the finish line!!

It was a great day for a race but if that was my first 1/2 marathon I definitely would have been reconsidering running the full marathon that I am scheduled for in September!! I shouldn't think that way because every race is different. There were many factors that made that a very hard race but all in all it was a great day and the wine tasting and massage after the race made it even better!!

I am getting very close to having to change my Karhu's, I am not totally sure what the exact mileage is on these kicks but it is getting close to 500!!! I have one more race and I think my girls will be retired and I will be purchasing myself a new pair!! Whooo hooo! I truly love Karhu running shoes!!

    Use code: reviewermelissa

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Friday, May 25, 2012



By Marie-Claire Hermans, Ravishing Raw Chef & Coach

One day when I was in New York, sitting behind the window of a Starbucks with a huge cup of Mint tea I thought: "Let me count ten people who are passing by and see how many are overweight." The number was devastating; 7. Seven! And I wish I could say they just had overweight. No, most of them were obese. That's a shock. It is also a shock that the wave has reached Europe and ... our children. Our children are exposed to the dangers of fast food, junk, lack of education about food. This is even more sad!

How can be millions of people be the victim of civilization? Well, we all know factor number one of overweight: bad, fat, processed foods. Too much. Too S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) Factor number two: stress. Imbalanced hormone levels due to pressure you can't handle with emotional eating as side effect. Factor number three: fear. Yes, I came up with that last one myself. I will tell you why in a minute.

Another question is: "Why is it so hard to lose weight for so many people who have been "trying everything""? Maybe you didn't realize before so here it is: acidity! You can't lose weight as long as your body is acid.

If you are one of these people, getting desperate because you tried out every diet, you even stopped eating at some point and gained back your lost weight twice when you started eating "normal" again, then you will love what you are about to read. Stop dieting! Breaking the jojo- circle of going up and down is essential to get balanced.

Now the next step: alkalizing your body. If you have been eating mostly cooked foods for many years, if you are not eating raw yet, you are most probably acid. Being acid contributes to overweight because the body will hold more water to dilute the acids. Excess acids are stored in the fat tissue and cause weight gain and cellulitis.
It is very important to understand how your body works: only then you will understand why diets fail on long terms. The other tricky thing about fat cells is that they store toxins. So from the moment on you start dieting, the fat cells release the stored acids and toxins. With the common diets which are depleting you from nutrients, you are not removing those wastes. Diets make you feel ill, fatigued, they put your mood on a swing, your body has to draw minerals out of the bones to try to neutralize the acidity. Yes, you are now also a candidate for osteoporosis.
It can be so easy to lose overweight and balance your weight naturally without dieting. Eating raw does: fresh organic vegetables, fruits, superfoods, herbs are your life savers and fat melting solutions. Why?

1.Eating raw, unprocessed, organic greens alkalize your body

2.You cleanse your body naturally and remove the toxins and acid wastes causing overweight and illness

3.Chlorophyll heals ailments, detoxifies your cells and blood, rejuvenates them, creates new energy

4.You receive the important alive enzymes lipase and protease that break down the fats in food

5.Raw food delivers so many nutrients that the body needs less food to feel satisfied

6.Greens take away sweet cravings and you can break with emotional eating patterns

7.Eating raw changes your psychology as well, you become mentally and emotionally healthier

8.Raw food re-balances your body and gives you the weight that fits your bone structure

9.By adapting your SAD lifestyle to a RAW one, you can stop "thinking" about food constantly

10.Eating raw means that you can eat as much as you want without gaining excessive weight ever again

Why did I say "fear" is the third factor of holding on to fat? Because I notice how many people are afraid of changing their diet into a healthy lifestyle! They are afraid of "missing" something, they love their gourmet meals, they are afraid they won't be able to "enjoy" their food anymore because they think healthy equals bo-ring. This fear is not to be underestimated, confirmed through social pressure and yet it is so easy to overcome, simply by removing the preconceptions about eating healthy and raw. Once you tasted the richness of raw meals, felt the energy after eating a raw dish, experienced how wonderful it feels to be able to eat without guilt, you are on your way to opening a lifestyle in which you don't have to worry about gaining weight anymore. More importantly: you are on your way to health!
If you are trying to lose weight but still holding on to cooked foods, try to go raw for 3 days with my eBook "Raw For 3 Days" you received when you signed up for my A-Zine. I wrote it especially for you to try out raw food without any obstacles. All you need to do is take the shopping lists, shop, make the recipes from breakfast to dessert, have fun and enjoy them. Taste the difference. See the difference. Feel the difference!

"Marie-Claire Hermans, founder of "Ravishing Raw", author and raw food coach is committed to bringing people closer to a healthy and happy life. Sign up for her FREE Ravishing Raw FooDprint A-Zine every week and she will welcome you with her WELCOME GIFT "Raw for 3 Days"! eBook. If you are eager to start up your raw lifestyle, to feel better and look younger, launch around on her blog for tips, tricks, tools, recipes and articles at her websitewww.ravishingraw.com, http://blog.ravishingraw.be/ and http://blogravishingraw.com/"

Pictures- Marie-Claire Hermans

Monday, May 21, 2012

    Use code: reviewermelissa

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pale? You May Need More Vitamin D - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip

Pale? You May Need More Vitamin D - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip

Day 8 Review: The Joys of Trail Walking/Running

Road walking/running is not all there is when training for a specific race distance or even just getting out there and exercising. Many people don't realize how much fun and interesting trail walking/running is. With trail walking/running you don't have to worry about some idiot driver who chooses not to see you or even having to smell the exhaust from cars or when walking/running in an area where there are stores and restaurants the smells coming from those places can be overwhelming to your senses!
There are many trail systems not too far from my house which is wonderful. I just need to either go out the door and up the street a little ways or even head out to my back yard and jump in the woods from there. One major difference between road walking/running and trail walking/running is that you definitely need to pay more attention to your surroundings on the trail. You don't want to get lost in the woods which can be very easily done if the trail is not marked and you also don't want to end up face planting because you tripped over a root or rock sticking out of the ground. Many trails are smoothed down from other walkers/runner and bicyclists but there are still areas especially after it rains where the ground is very soft and you can end up twisting an ankle or getting a shoe full of water and mud!! Another thing you need to watch out for in the woods is animals. The other day when I took a trail run I came across a 3 foot black rat snake sunning itself while laying across the trail. It startled me and at first I thought it was dead but then it started moving very slowly across the trail. I waited for it to get to the other side and I started moving again.  
Bicyclists are another hazard that can result in a major crash if both are not careful. Some trails are very narrow and could cause problems if you and a bicyclist come together at a point on the trail. It is easier for you to move out of the way but you will always have to make a compromise for the safety of everyone!!
Please enjoy this video of my latest trail walk/run:
**Warning~this video is very shaky because I was taping while exercising!! ;)

I love my Karhu's they are great even on a trail!!

    Use code: reviewermelissa

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shoe Review: Treadmill training/Day 7

Shoe Review: Treadmill training/Day 7

I am NOT a huge fan of running on a treadmill for training purposes but when the weather is not so great you have to do what you have to do!! I needed to get in a 40-50 minute run for my Marathon training program and the weather was pretty damp and cool. Not good running outside weather at all. So, needless to say I jumped on the treadmill and went to work. I maintained a continuous pace of 3.5 walking and 4.0 running utilizing the incline abilities of the treadmill to simulate hills I would be encountering on the race course. I am scheduled to run another 1/2 Marathon in June which is hilly as well.

One of the reasons I do not like running on a treadmill is it is harder to simulate running outside because the treadmill does a lot of the work for you and you don't know if the pacing is actually correct. The treadmill I used showed the pace of 3.5 as a 17.5 minute mile and the 4.0 pace as a 15 minute per mile pace. I am not sure if those are totally correct. I guess I could just bite the bullet and stop being a wimp and run in the cold and rain but man, I don't really like it. Until I decide to go totally hard core in my running and racing regime I will let my inner wimp come out and deal with treadmill running for part of my training. Some of the best runners out there are treadmill runners as well!!

My Karhu's are still holding strong and I continue to enjoy wearing them whether I am running outside or on the treadmill!!

    Use code: reviewermelissa

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I am quite late with this post but it is relevant anytime!! Don't forget to use the 20% discount code at the bottom of each post so you can get your own great pair of Karhu Running Shoes!!

Shoe Review: Last long walk/run before my 1/2 Marathon~Day 5 Review

On Tuesday March 13th I took my final long run/walk before my 1/2 Marathon. I was planning on doing 10 miles and decided as I headed out to walk the whole distance just to see how fast I could walk it and how long it would take me. I was pushing a stroller as well with my little girl Olivia. I headed out my front door and walked up the street to Wiehle Ave which is the first major thoroughfare, I then continued on Wiehle Ave towards the W&OD Trail (http://www.wodfriends.org). The W&OD trail runs from West Virginia to Washington, DC and runs right through Reston, VA where I live. Once I got on the W&OD trail I headed west toward Herndon, VA which is the next town over. I ended up walking 8.63 miles with an average pace of 16:19 minute mile. It took me about 2 1/2 hours to walk that distance
. It was a wonderful warm and sunshiny day which made for an even better walk. Here is a map of the area I walked: http://www.wodfriends.org/map10.html

One major change that I have made to help my progress was I started wearing compression socks. I found a pair of Injinji Compression Toe socks when I was out shopping and decided to try them. They are great for both during exercise and for recovery afterward. I love the fact that they have individual toe spaces which help with proper toe alignment and moisture balance, no more sweaty toes while running!! These are the socks I use: http://www.injinji.com/tetratsok/excelerator.html.

The combination of the compression socks and my Karhu's made for a great walk from the beginning to the end. These running shoes still are as comfortable as they were when I first put them on, which I have to say is pretty great with all the mileage I have put on them. I still haven't hit the distance to change them yet but am getting close. My feet don't get overheated or super sweaty when I am running or walking in these Karhu's which is unlike many other running shoes out there. The mesh outer layer still is great for the breathability of my feet. I really do enjoy these shoes and am going to continue using them until they fall apart!! You really need to try out these shoes, I am telling you they have been the best running shoes that I have found so far!!

Thanks for reading, here is your 20% discount code: reviewermelissa so you can get your own pair of Karhu's!!

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Shoe Review: Walk/Running My First 1/2 Marathon~Day 6 Review

On Saturday March 17th, I ran/walked in my first 1/2 Marathon: The Sun Trust Rock n Roll USA Marathon & 1/2 Marathon in Washington, DC. 

The race started & finished at RFK Stadium/DC Armory area in Washington DC. It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to run my next race. I ran/walked the 13.1 mile distance in 3 hours and 34 minutes and paced a little over a 16 minute mile: http://running.competitor.com/cgiresults_details?pId=7630280&eId=54&eiId=78&seId=236. My progression was 3 minutes walking and 3 minutes running which I really thought was a great ratio. Plus, the timing was perfect, I ended up walking the majority of the hills so I wasn't overwhelmed trying to run up them, and there were a few long, steep ones!!

I started out about a 1/2 hour later than the starters due to the wave I was in (wave 22) which wasn't too bad but still quite crowded. I am not exactly sure how many runners there were between both the marathon and the 1/2, we all started out at the same time, but there were definitely a few thousand people participating. I ran with Team Kylie Xiu which was put together by a friend of mine who lost her daughter to SIDS. 

I was going along great until around mile 5 when the feeling of having to "go" hit me!! The sad thing is the potty spots on this course were sparse and only had 1 or two port-a-johns so the lines were a bit long. I ended up standing in line for almost 20 minutes before I was able to "go" and get running again. This put me back a bit because I cooled down so much and got me out of my groove. It didn't matter too much though because I was able to get back into it after a mile or so.

One question I have though is why do so many races end up on a hill!! LOL!! The trip back was the hilliest part of the course which I didn't mind too much but once I hit mile 10 I was tiring out quite a bit. I ended up walking the last 2.5 miles at a pretty good pace and ran across the finish line. I was so happy to have run and finished that 13.1 mile race. It was a great feeling from beginning to end and I was on such a high for the rest of the day!! I rewarded myself with a pedicure later!!

Again I was able to pull through this distance with the help of my Karhu Stable Fulcrum_Ride running shoes. They are such great running shoes and really help to keep me going. I am definitely going to keep using a stability shoe from now on because they really make my run more productive and I feel so much better afterward. During both the run and the walk portion of the race my feet felt like they were continuously cushioned and the transition from heel to toe was flawless. These shoes definitely helped me move forward from beginning to the end of the race.

All in all it was a great walk/run and first 1/2 marathon experience. I am still happier than ever with these wonderful Karhu's!!

Whether you are a seasoned runner or just starting out you really should try a pair of Karhu running shoes. You will be impressed and hopefully find them as your choice of running shoe. I know I have!!

Thanks for reading, here is your 20% discount code: reviewermelissa so you can get your own pair of Karhu's!!

RUNNING SHOES: Stable Fulcrum_Ride
KARHU WEBSITE: www.Karhu.com
SHOE REVIEWER: Melissa Baldwin
IF YOU WANT TO TEST KARHUS APPLY AT: http://www.facebook.com/likekarhu

Friday, March 23, 2012

Have you ever thought of Barefoot running? I have a few different times but have been afraid of possible injury. Here is a great Barefoot Training guide for Women by Merrell:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Compression Socks for Runners at Runner's World

Compression Socks for Runners at Runner's World 

I am starting to wear compression socks as I run, it is interesting how different my legs feel after wearing them. What do you think about compression socks?