This week has been pretty good so far...It is HUMP day so I thought it would be a nice update day!
Sunday was an intense workout day, well, my workouts weren't as intense as they could be due to being sick but I did do a 2.6 mile walk and then an hour of Zumba so I would say that was intense enough! HA!
I started the Zumba 5-Day Jump-Start Diet on Monday to see if I could get my body moving into the weight-loss mode. One thing that makes me so mad is that I work my buns off and get no results. I know we go through plateaus but man, they are really a pain in the butt!! So, I decided I am going to try this and see what happens. Surprisingly, I am eating no more than 1200 calories per day and not feeling logy or out of sorts. I guess it is because I am eating the right things! HA!
So, you start off with either an egg and a piece of high fiber toast or a high fiber cereal and a fruit of some sort. You can eat one or the other and swap off each day. Then lunch and dinner are specific per day and I have been utilizing these dinners to make for the whole family. There is no separate meal plans in my house!! It is the easiest way to eat right when everyone else is doing it with you. And besides, there is nothing wrong with making your children eat protein and veggies at dinner!!
I took the day off from exercise on Monday due to the fact that I started Physical Therapy for my aching back, right leg including glute and hamstring and periodically my knee. I was quite sore afterward but it is all going to be worth it when I can exercise, especially run and walk without pain! The PT gave me some exercises to do at home and a standing one to do at work. Have I mentioned I work at a desk ALL...DAY...LONG!!! UGH! Sometimes I really wish I was still on the line gang. At least there I got my daily exercise. Oh, well, LIVE AND LEARN!!
Yesterday I took the ever wonderful Tabata class at Reston Sport & Health. Man, every time I take that class I think, "What the HECK am I doing HERE!" but afterwards when I am still feeling the burn I am happy because I know I am doing great things for my body as a whole, meaning brain, bones, muscles and heart!!
Tonight is Muscle Up but it depends on the Little Miss. If she is napping I will just do one of my millions of exercise DVDs down in the basement.
Here's an idea that I have been having for a while. I think I am going to start doing this. I have many, many, many exercise DVDs that I haven't even worked-out with yet. I am going to start doing them along with my regular workouts but I am also going to review them as I go along. I am sure it will definitely help me to get myself into a better shape than ROUND!! HA!!
What do you thing about that for evolving?!?!
Have a great day!!
About Me
- Evolving Meesh
- I am married with two wonderful sons who are 18 and 11 years old and my 2 year old Baby Girl. I currently live in Reston, VA and have been working for Verizon for 18 years. I am a Licensed Zumba, ZumbKids, Zumba Gold and AquaZumba instructor. I am a Certified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor, a Certified AAI Aqua Fitness Instructor, an RRCA Certified Running Coach and a Certified Keiser Cycle Instructor. I love to exercise, run, do yoga and Pilates and most of all enjoy time with my family.
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